Sunday 26 October 2014

Random thoughts

I have gotten a terrible case of writers block and I have only been blogging for just over month if that. And I literally had no idea what to blog for today and I am trying to blog everyday during my half term because I have all this spare time and want to be a bit more productive. So today I am sharing my random thoughts and let me warn you I can be a little very weird. Moving on here are some of my strange thoughts:
  • Is it just me or is everyone a little confused about the fact that the UK go back an hour in winter. I'm not gonna lie I never ever thought about it until yesterday when I heard my dad talking about it. Why is it only the UK? What is the point? 
  • Why is it that girls are the ones to wear makeup and not boys, why do they get to not be judged for having acne or not having even skin tone or long eyelashes? Boys have never been told that they don't look good without makeup.
  • Why aren't books waterproof? I read this somewhere and I cant stop thinking about it. What if you could read a book in the shower or underwater or in the rain.
  • Another one I read is why don't we learn useful things in school. We learn about algebra something we will most probably never use but we don't learn about things we will need in the future, applying to universities, courses, bank accounts and things like life skills yet I have to pass algebra to have a good future.
  • Halloween. As much as I love it. I don't get the point. Who's ideas was it to create a day where everyone dresses up as something scary and gets sweets for it.
  • Life. Deep, but honestly I don't get it. We live our lives studying so that we can earn money and at the end of it all we die and it all means nothing. 
Those were just a few of my thoughts, I can be a bit weird but I thought it was worth sharing. What are some of your thoughts. And did you like this kind of post? I have started to like writing post that aren't beauty/fashion related. Anyway let me know what you think.


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