Wednesday, 31 December 2014

New Year Resolutions

I never really make any new year resolutions as I don't see the point, and usually when i make resolutions I never do them. But this year I decided I would attempt to actually do my resolutions. I sat down and came up with a few blog resolutions.

1. Improve my photography skills
As much as I love photography I am horrible at it. My blog photos are not the best they can be. I have decided that I am going to start using my camera more often and maybe even try out some iPhone lenses.

2. Interact more on social media
I have a twitter and instagram specifically for my blog but never seem to use them. My twitter feed is dry and my instagram is empty, I am going to try to upload more and interact with more people.

3. Become a Photoshop/illustrator pro
I have just installed a trial version of Adobe creative cloud and been testing it out and trying to figure out how to use it, and I'm not very good. I want to make better visuals and pin worthy pictures. I have been watching a lot of videos and trying to see what I can create. As you can see I tried something out above using Canva.

4. Post more consistently
I don't have a proper post schedule, I usually post when I feel like it and that means that I sometimes go 2-3 weeks without a post. I want to create a schedule and stick to it, so hopefully my posts will be more consistent in 2015.

I only thought of four resolutions but I think if I actually try I could complete these resolutions. Its weird to think that 2014 is over and done with, we can never live it again but lets hope 2015 is a good year. What are some of your resolutions? And have a happy new year!!


  1. I have tried with photoshop so many times and I just can not get away with it it is so complicated , think they do courses on it at some colleges?
    I am also going to post more consistently. Lets hope we can both achieve what we want this year. Happy NewYear. xox
